Iztok Umek iztok at si-con.com
Fri Jul 2 15:55:21 CEST 2004

Adrijana Periè <adrijana.peric at guest.arnes.si> said:

> Prosim, da ne ma¹ate Proventije in ostalih produktov ISS.
> ISS network,server sensor in Desktop Protector ¹e zmeraj delujeta na "Signature
based" tehnologiji.

Da se ne bomo kregal. Ni res :)

Preventija je samo ISS "packaged" RealSecure Network Sensor, ki je dejansko
hibriden, ampak vecina je "anomaly based".

ISS je to naredil s svojo verzijo 7.0.


Hybrid detection technology – Employs a powerful combination of sophisticated,
protocol analysis and attack pattern matching detection technologies to
interpret network
activity. This technique is the most accurate and modern method of intrusion
detection and
is used to foil hacker evasion techniques, even detecting some attacks before
they become
widely known.

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