[ LUGOS-ORG ] Kriza drustva

David Klasinc bigwhale at m42.cx
Sun May 13 11:16:59 CEST 2001

On Sat, May 12, 2001 at 02:05:35PM +0200, Andraz Tori wrote:

> zadevo imamo, ne wem ce se dela...
> ima en hud problem: deluje le pod okni..
> dasiravno mislim da Winea se nismo sprobali

Saj vem, da smo Lugos ampak ce je to ovira, da nimamo placevanja racunov po
mailu, potem se lahko takoj vsi postrelimo... Bo se najboljse... :)

She sells sea shells on the sea shore, I'm sure that the shells she sells
are sea shells...

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