LiSa ma ocitno dosti druzbe :)

Andraz Tori andraz.tori1 at
Wed Mar 21 21:47:44 CET 2001

Paul Nelson, writing "We are educators who think using open source
software in public agencies is the responsible thing to do," says "We
have released a turn-key terminal server distribution based on RH7 and
the LTSP packages. Simply install Linux and start plugging in your
diskless terminals. Very little or no configuration is required. We've
included some cool educational software and have (with permission)
bundled StarOffice as part of the install. To kick things off we have
1000 Intel Celeron processors to give to schools building Linux
terminals. We also have some Xeon processors to help schools building
servers. Our goal is to have 1000 terminals in 100 schools by one day
(July 4th.) For more info including links to download the CD-Install
image (650mb) head for" Any
parents (or other aggrieved taxpayers) out there might be interested in
showing this off at a PTA meeting. You may also be interested in the
Simple End User Linux and the Debian Jr. projects.

Rok, kaj pomaga... ?

Lep Pozdrav
Andraz Tori

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