[ LUGOS-ORG ] Stran in StudioD

Bostjan Muller neonatus at neonatus.net
Sun Apr 8 16:10:24 CEST 2001

* On 08-04-01 at 15:45 Stojan Rancic (stojan at bofh.cx) wrote:
+----Here quoted text begins----+
> Tako in tako je treba it postavit mrezo pred cetrtkom.. tako da lahko
> to zdruzimo skupaj.
>                               GreetZ, Stojan
> ---------------
> He who eats too many prunes, sits on toilet many moons. 
+----and here the quote ends----+
Hmm za mrezo ce rabite se koga lahko pridem pomahat... samo povej kdaj...

Boštjan Müller [NEONATUS], neonatus at neonatus.net, http://neonatus.net/~neonatus
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