Živijo,<br>pišem vam, ker ste moji zadnji up. Neko podjetje v Trstu nujno išče osebo ali osebe, ki obvladajo Embedded Linux in ARM 9 Platforms. Podrobnosti dobite spodaj. Projekt lahko razvijete doma, tako da so "izleti" v Trst samo občasni. Za dodatne informacije (koliko traja, koliko bo delo plačano itd.) lahko pišete kar v slovenščini na naslov <b><i>nikobresciani@yahoo.it </i></b>ali na moj naslov.<br><br>Hvala za pomoč<br><br>LP<br><br>Luka Bresciani<br><br><b><i></i></b><blockquote class="replbq" style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;">OPIS PROJEKTA<br><br> <div>We are looking for skills in</div> <div><br>1. Linux Embedded</div> <div>Currently we use Linux kernel 2.6.14. Need to upgrade to 2.6.18</div> <div>The hardware is for GPS location and GPRS communication and basically with digital and analogue I/Os, serial (232-485-422), usb and canbus ports (ethernet in the future), internal
accelerometer, rechargeable back battery, wifi and bluetooith comunication.</div> <div>The GPRS has to guaranty gprs data, voice (included hands free) and SMS communication.</div> <div>We are looking for skills in designing the Linux kernel on an existing hardware and all needed drivers.</div> <div><br>2. ARM 9 platforms</div> <div>We are looking for skill is designing AMR9 platforms (ext RAM and FLASH) integrating GPS receiver. GPRS communicator, digital and analogue I/Os. serial, usb, canbus, ethernet ports (wifi and blutetooth as options), 7-36V power supply range, internal recheargeable battery, accelometer, fullduplex hands free power amplifier. Automotive environment.</div> <div><br>Thanks</div></blockquote><br><p> 
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