[LUGOS] Fwd: Breaking news: Software and Software Heritage in the new National Plan for Open Science in France

Matija Šuklje matija at suklje.name
Thu Jul 8 10:57:03 CEST 2021


v Franciji se stvari premikajo glede FOSS in dostopnostjo znanosti – zanimivi časi :)

Mogoče bi lahko ponucal kdaj kot inspiracijo za našo nacionalno strategijo kdaj.


----------  Nuntius praecox  ----------

In rem: Breaking news: Software and Software Heritage in the new National Plan for 
Open Science in France
Die: 8. 07. 21 et hora 10:03
Scripsit: Roberto Di Cosmo <roberto na dicosmo.org>

Dear all,
     I am delighted to share great breaking news: yesterday afternoon the
French Ministry of Research unveiled the second multi-annual National Plan
for Open Science in France, that squarely puts software on a par with
publications and data in the Open Science framework, announcing a number of
measures designed to open research software and better recognize software
development in research.

The official document is available online from the website of the French
Ministry of Research

Since this is currently only available in French (an English version will
be available in the next days/weeks from the Ministry of Resarch dedicated
here are some highlights of the measures that you might find the most

   - a clear recommendation to make research software available under an
   open source licence, unless there are clear strong reasons not to do so;
   quoting from the text itself (quick and dirty translation):
      - "*Making software source code available, with the possibility of
      modifying it, reusing it and disseminating it, is essential to allow the
      reproducibility of scientific results and support the sharing
and creation
      of knowledge, in a logic of Open Science*." ...
      - "*Hence, the distribution of software as free software, that is to
      say published under one of the licenses recognized by the Free Software
      Foundation and the Open Source Initiative, will be privileged, in
      compliance with legal* *constraints*."
      - the creation of a high level expert group dedicated to research
   software in the National Committee for Open Science
   - the objective to provide better recognition of software development in
   career evaluation for researchers and engineers
   - a renewed and strengthened official support of Software Heritage, with
   a recommendation to archive in it *all research software [1] *

This is the result of a long, steady effort to raise awareness of
these issues, in collaboration with many dedicated people and
organisations, like it was the case for the Paris Call on Software Source
code <https://en.unesco.org/foss/paris-call-software-source-code>
(published in February 2019, with contributions from some of the members of
this list).

And to the best of my knowledge, it is the first time that such an organic,
clearly designed strategy for (open source) software in research is laid
out in an official government document: I hope this may serve as a
reference for similar initiatives in other countries, and will be more than
happy to help if/when such initiatives get started.

All the best


[1] updated, actionable instructions are now available at
https://www.softwareheritage.org/howto-archive-and-reference-your-code/ (for
french researchers, an updated and streamlined metadata deposit workflow
with HAL is coming soon)

Computer Science Professor
           (on leave at Inria from IRIF/Université de Paris)

Software Heritage             E-mail : roberto na dicosmo.org
INRIA                            Web : http://www.dicosmo.org
Bureau C328                  Twitter : http://twitter.com/rdicosmo
2, Rue Simone Iff                Tel : +33 1 80 49 44 42
CS 42112
75589 Paris Cedex 12
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