[LUGOS] OSOR: Open Source Software Country Intelligence

Matija Šuklje matija at suklje.name
Sat Nov 21 15:46:00 CET 2020

Zanimivo branje, na žalost povzema stanje šele od 2010 naprej:


V Sloveniji izpostavlja:

• MJU in COKS kot glavna akterja
• Parlameter
• uporabo in razvoj FOSS v M. za visoko šolstvo …
• uporabo in razvoj FOSS na sodiščih
• uporabo FOSS v zdravstvenih centrih Ljubljana in Koper

Kar se tiče politik/smernic, se verjetno strinjamo, da so precej optimistično 

Executive summary:

Within the Slovenian Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology, the 
Directorate of Information Society has set the use of free and open source 
software (OSS) as one of its public administration priorities. The Ministry is 
the main body in charge of drafting OSS policies and strategies, as well as 
implementing OSS projects in Slovenia.

Over the past 10 years, the Slovenian Government has published various policy 
documents describing the benefits of OSS and setting out action plans for its 
implementation. There are also guidelines available for procurement and 
implementation processes that call for the equal treatment of both proprietary 
and OSS solutions when considering the development, implementation and hosting 
of new systems in public administrations. However, a single written policy on 
the use of OSS solutions does not exist.

Various public institutions have started partially or fully using OSS with the 
objectives of unifying software across workstations, enhancing security and 
reliability, facilitating independence from a single provider, and realising 
financial benefits.

gsm:	tel:+386.41.849.552
www:	https://matija.suklje.name
xmpp:	matija.suklje na gabbler.org
sip:	matija_suklje na ippi.fr

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