[LUGOS] [Fwd: [FD] [CFP] Security BSides Ljubljana 0x7E2]
Andraz Sraka
a at aufbix.org
Fri Jan 12 13:40:08 CET 2018
ker je dejansko LUGOS pravni nosilec dogodka, je mogoce smiselno, da se
tukaj naredimo malo reklame. Torej iscemo predvsem sponzorje in
predavatelje :)
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-=[ BSidesLjubljana Event info ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
BSidesLjubljana - https://bsidesljubljana.si
Date: March 10th, 2018
Venue: Poligon creative centre, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Europe
CFP URL: https://bsidesljubljana.si/cfp/
CFP Submit form: https://goo.gl/forms/JO4XCnMPGv6AAD2w2
Email: cfp[at]bsidesljubljana[dot]si
Twitter: @BSidesLjubljana
Twitter hashtag: #BSidesLjubljana
-=[ CALL FOR PAPERS ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
We are looking for speakers, sponsors and everyone in between!
Topics of interest include (but are in no way limited to) the
following, preference given to talks that actually provide
solutions as well as insight to problems:
[*] Information technology
[*] Network security
[*] Web Application security
[*] Mobile security
[*] Car/Vehicles hacking
[*] IoT (internet of things) security
[*] Virtualization and cloud computing
[*] Innovative attack / defense strategies
[*] Forensics
[*] Malware analysis and new trends in malicious codes
[*] Embedded device security / Internet of things
[*] Biometrics
[*] Hardware hacking
[*] Phone phreaking
[*] Penetration testing and security assessment
[*] Biohacking
[*] Privacy issues: LPM, LOPPSI, HADOPI, – Industrial
espionage, cyberwar
[*] Open source software
[*] Evolutionary computing
[*] Robotics (bonus points for bringing an actual robot)
[*] Massive abuse of technology
[*] Social engineering
(If it is not on the list but want to submit anyway, please
do so and we’ll be glad to consider it!)
Please submit entries via:
We are planning several participation formats. The terms and
conditions are described below:
#1. 40 minutes talk
The speaker is granted 40 minutes to present his/her
paper and 15 minutes to answer questions in one of the
two halls where the event will be held.
#2. Lightning talks
The speaker is granted 10 minutes to present his/her
paper and 5 minutes to answer questions in a separate
hall. (For this type of format you register talk at event)
#3. Workshop
The speaker prepares his/her presentation and any
training materials he/she needs. He/she is granted 2
or more hours to conduct the master class in
a separate hall/room.
Please submit your talk/workshop
proposals via https://goo.gl/forms/JO4XCnMPGv6AAD2w2
We do not accept marketing and non-technical commercial
The accepted language is English.
We can’t wait to see your ideas!
-=[ TIMELINE ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
[*] 2017 December 1st: CFP Open
[*] 2018 February 10th: CFP Deadline
[*] 2018 February 14th: Acceptance Notification
[*] 2018 March 10th: \o/ BSides Ljubljana 0x7E2 \o/
-=[ Are you interested in sponsoring us? ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
BSides Ljubljana is a non-profit community driven event, and
relies on the kind sponsorship of people and companies like
you to succeed. If you want to support the initiative and
gain visibility by sponsoring, please contact us by
writing an e-mail to 'sponsorship [at] bsidesljubljana.si'.
More at https://0x7e2.bsidesljubljana.si/sponsors/
If you have any questions, please certainly feel free
to contact me directly.
[1] https://bsidesljubljana.si/archives/
[2] https://bsidesljubljana.si/
[3] https://bsidesljubljana.si/cfp/
[4] https://goo.gl/forms/JO4XCnMPGv6AAD2w2
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