[LUGOS] brezplačen udemy tečaj, če ga vpišete ta teden (potem doživljensko)

Gregor Leskovšek legrega at gmail.com
Fri Jun 26 00:01:20 CEST 2015

 Pablo Farías Navarro  <https://www.udemy.com/u/pablofariasnavarro/>
Pablo Farías Navarro <https://www.udemy.com/u/pablofariasnavarro/> Founder
  Teaching 38 Courses
  posted an announcement
<https://www.udemy.com/course/81368/activities/?ids=1643688> · 4 days ago

This week I would like to give you all access for *free* to our premium
course J*avaScript Programming: Learnby Making a Mobile Game.*

To access this course for free use the coupon code ONCEINALIFETIME You have
to use the coupon THIS WEEK or it won't work. This promo won't be repeated

To find the course, just search on Udemy for "JavaScript Programming:
Learnby Making a Mobile Game" and it should appear among the first results.
Then enter the coupon on the course page to get free life-long access.

This course was funded through a successful Kickstarter campaign last
March, and it's the first module of a massive mobile game bundle. The
course on it's own is self-contained and teaches JavaScript in a visual
manner - by making a game with the HTML5 canvas.

Have a great week and best of luck with your projects!


Pablo and the ZENVA crew

> When the sun rises I receive and when it sets I forgive! :-)
http://gleskove.oreillystudent.com :-) Always warmly / S prisrčnimi
http://lilaum.com  Gregor Leskovšek ;-)
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