[LUGOS] Fwd: POSR.: Hackathon

Matija Šuklje matija at suklje.name
Wed Dec 2 09:20:51 CET 2015


ravno sem to dobil v inbox – Fintech Hackaton bo 5. in 6. 12.


Če koga zanima, prijave sprejemajo še *danes* do polnoči.

Povabilo je spodaj (se opravičujem za čuden forward, takega sem dobil)


----------  Nuntius praecox  ----------


You are invited to the following event:
FINTECH HACKATHON SLOVENIA 2015 <https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fintech-hackathon-slovenia-2015-tickets-19668238230?ref=enivtefor001&invite=ODgyMDgyNS9qYWthLmtsYWRuaWtAaGFsY29tLnNpLzA%3D&utm_source=eb_email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=inviteformalv2&utm_term=eventpage>

Event to be held at the following time, date, and location:

Saturday, December 5, 2015 at 12:30 PM
- to -
Sunday, December 6, 2015 at 7:00 PM (CET)

Letališka cesta 3
1000 Ljubljana

View Map<http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Letali%C5%A1ka+cesta+3,+Ljubljana,

Attend Event<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fintech-hackathon-slovenia-2015-tickets-19668238230?ref=enivtefor001&invite=ODgyMDgyNS9qYWthLmtsYWRuaWtAaGFsY29tLnNpLzA%3D&utm_source=eb_email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=inviteformalv2&ref=enivtefor001&utm_term=attend>

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Maximum 150 participants organised in teams (developers & designers)
Duration: 24 hours

  *   Only demos of your hacks are allowed in presentations.
  *   No slide-decks or power-points are allowed.
  *   Presentations are limited to a 3 minute presentation and 2 minute Q&A 
from the judges
  *   All hacks must be submitted by the defined submission date and time.
  *   Late submissions will not be allowed to compete

Why attend ?

  *   Work on and create your own project in a creative environment
  *   Meet people who do the same things as you do and mingle
  *   Find a team, business partner, incubator, investor,...
  *   Get to know new people, who have the same passion as you have!
  *   Have FUN!

Who will be present ?

A lot of companies have shown interest in being part of this event.

Organizers & Partners:

  *   Halcom d.d.
  *   Halcom plačila d.o.o.
  *   ABC Accelerator
  *   Big Bang
  *   Barcaffe
  *   Coca Cola
  *   Medex
  *   Red Bull

Winning Prizes:

  *   winning team - Apple watch for everyone
  *   2nd team - Android tablet for everyone
  *   3rd team - Portable HD for everyone

+ possibility to develop an idea in Halcom Studio or get an offer from Halcom 
for buyout


Saturday December 5, 2015

12:30 - Welcome - Registration & meet & talk time
13:30 - Team formation time
15:00 - Team registration + meal
16:00 - Keynote + introduction
17:00 - Start Hacking
20:00 - Dinner
Work - build, design, hack
24:00 - Midnight snack + surprise

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Work - build, design, hack
7:00 - Breakfast
Work - build, design, hack
10:00 - Snack
Work - build, design, hack
13:00 - Lunch
Work - test, fix, polish
17:00 - END of the Hacking
17:15 - Presentations
19:00 - The winner ceremony - Awards and beer

What should you bring to the event ? What will be provided?

You need to bring your laptop, smartphone with charging cables and a lot of 
positive energy.

We are going to provide all the credentials so you will be able to access the 
development environment and do your magic.

Food, drinks & everything else will be provided by the organiser.

If you will not be able to come, please unsubscribe so we can give the open 
spot to someone else.

This year's hack:

This year's FinTech Hackathon main theme is going to be Hal mBills - a new 
mobile wallet developed primarily for invoices payment irrespective of the 
bank with the functionality of receiving e-invoices directly in the mobile app 
and no longer in physical form.

The application enables:

  *   Top-up and payout to your bank account
  *   Payment of invoices
  *   Invoice issuer management
  *   Peer-to-peer payments

More about the Hal mBills application is available at: 

We also provide an open API through which you can make any kind of payments 
(think about Paypal, Stripe, Square, Google Wallet, Apple Pay, Venmo etc.). 
This open API is the focus point of our Hackathon and will be specified and 
presented in detail before the event takes place.

API documentation is avalible here: http://www.hackathon.si/api/

If you have additional questions or you would like to discuss ideas you are 
more than welcome www.slo-tech.com<https://slo-tech.com/forum/52>

Share this event on 
Facebook<http://www.facebook.com/share.php?u=https%3A//www.eventbrite.com/e/fintech-hackathon-slovenia-2015-tickets-19668238230%3Fref%3Desfb> and 

We hope you can make it!

Halcom d.d.




This invitation was sent to 
jaka.kladnik na halcom.si<mailto:jaka.kladnik na halcom.si> by Halcom 
d.d.<https://www.eventbrite.com/org/8699439769> the organizer. To stop 
receiving invitations from this organizer, you can 

Eventbrite | 155 5th St | San Francisco, CA 94103


gsm:    +386 41 849 552
www:    http://matija.suklje.name
xmpp:   matija.suklje na gabbler.org
sip:    matija_suklje na ippi.fr
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