[LUGOS] make all

Mitja mitja.znidaric at gmail.com
Thu Jun 11 03:40:53 CEST 2009


Ima kdo kakšno idejo kako rešiti zadevo?

Imam namreč problem, ko hočem izvesti "make all" ukaz - moram pa na novo 
poinštalirat apache2 - rabim namreč "suexec" za Virtualmin.

Hočem se znebit tega sporočila:
Checking Configuration 	

*The status of your system is being checked to ensure that all enabled 
features are available, that the mail server is properly configured, and 
that quotas are active ..*

      Mail server Postfix is installed and configured.

      Suexec is enabled in the default template, but the Apache module
      mod_suexec is not installed or not enabled.

*.. your system is not ready for use by Virtualmin.*

Pa se mi vsakič, ko hočem "make all" ugasne server. KAKA IDEJA?

Lahko to rešim kako drugače, kot pa nova instalacija apache2?

Hvala za pomoč!

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