[LUGOS] Koktejl razprava: 'EU vs EPO' in 'Patent litigation in Europe'

Andraž Tori andraz.tori1 at guest.arnes.si
Tue May 6 08:31:58 CEST 2008

Vabljen si na razpravo o patentnem sistemu v EU!

Dogodek pripravlja FFII (Fundation for free information infrastructure)
v sodelovanju s PatentFrai, Iniciativo programski patenti in LUGOSom.

Dogodek bo _danes_ (torek) ob 16.00, potekal bo v angleškem jeziku.

            EU vs EPO
     Patent litigation in Europe

 Location: Hotel Grand Union, Ljubljana
 Time: Tue 6 May, 4pm-6pm

 Debate 1: EU Vs EPO (4pm-5pm)

 The European Union (EU) plans to delegate its power to
 grant Community Patents to a non-Community institution,
 the European Patent Office (EPO). The EPO is not bound by
 any EU regulation, and is often described by academics as a
 'state in the state'. Members of the European Parliament have
 also criticized the EPO for its lack of political accountability.
 The EPO grants software patents for the European Patent,
 and will probably grant such patents for the Community Patent.

 Debate 2: European Patent Litigation (5pm-6pm)

 Patent litigation is a costly and lenghty process, especially for SMEs.
 The debate will try to address the following questions, in the light of
 the experience of some SMEs:
 * How does the new measures for patent litigation of european and
  community patents are going to affect SMEs?
 * Do patents which are 'easier to get, easier to enforce' will generate
  more US-style litigation in Europe?
 * Does a central patent court will codify software patents in Europe?
 * Does the creation of central court system will cost more?

 The event is co-organised by FFII (http://www.ffii.org), PatentFrei
 (http://www.patentfrei.de), Iniciativa programski patenti 
(http://www.patenti.si), and Lugos (http://www.lugos.si).

 Cocktail will be served together with degustation of Slovenian wines.

 Registration is not required, and you can contact Mr Benjamin
  Henrion <bhenrion at ffii.org> on +32-484-566109 for any questions.

 Benjamin Henrion <bhenrion at ffii.org>
 FFII Brussels - +32-484-566109 - +32-2-4148403

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