[LUGOS] [Fwd: Firefox 3 Release Party 2008]

Andraz Sraka a at aufbix.org
Mon Jun 9 00:30:24 CEST 2008

v vednost in ravnanje ..

-------- Forwarded Message --------

Izid nove različice najbolj popoularnega odprtkokodnega spletnega
brskalnika Firefox 3 se hitro približuje in tudi pri nas bomo tej
prelomnici posvetili posebno pozornost.

Da, kot ste nekateri že slišali, Kiberpipa in Društvo študentov
informatike pripravljata celodnevni dogodek z veliko zabavo! Ker
Slovenija trenutno predseduje Evropski uniji,  bo tudi dogodek potekal
na mednarodni ravni. Seveda pri tem nismo sami. Brez Mozille in
sponzorjev dogodka ne bi mogli izpeljati.

Dogodek bo potekal v torek, 24. junija 2008 v Kiberpipi. Prične se ob
11. uri z novinarsko konferenco, za vse znanja in informacij željne bo
od 15. ure dalje poskrbljeno za niz zanimivih predavanj, tako z gosti z
Mozille (med drugim keynote Tristana Nitota, predsednika Mozilla Europe)
kot drugimi.

Vrhunec dneva bo seveda zabava od 21. ure dalje, kjer bo čas za
sprostitev, klepet in po želji ples ob spremljavi DJ ritmov. Poskrbljeno
bo za obilico pijače in jedače, seveda ne bo manjkalo priložnosti za
druženje, mreženje in spoznavanje. Dogodku bi lahko rekli kar revolucija
v offline mreženju! :) Je potrebno sploh še kaj dodati?

Da boste obveščeni, lahko vse novosti o dogajanju in programu spremljate
preko rss feed-a: http://www.kiberpipa.org/firefox/feed

S podporo Mozille in sponzorjev bomo pripravili nepozaben dogodek!
Vabimo vas, da se nam pridružite, z nami praznujete izid Firefoxa 3, se
družite, zabavate in spoznate nemalo zanimivih ljudi!

Za več informacij obiščite spletno stran dogodka:

11:00 - 13:00 Novinarska konferenca
13:00 - 15:00 Kosilo
15:00 - 20:00 Predavanja. Keynote: Tristan Nitot, predsednik Mozilla
20:00 - 21:00 Enourni chill out
21:00 Zabava

Svojo udeležbo na dogodku potrdite
- s prijavo preko uradne spletne strani dogodka:
- ali preko Facebooka: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=32520446296

Novinarske akreditacije
Novinarji, fotografi, TV ekipe in ostali predstavniki medijev se
akreditirajte na firefox at kiberpipa.org. Pripišite svoje ime, naslov
elektronske pošte, medijsko hišo ter uredništvo.


Povejte naprej! Se vidimo 24.6.!

Firefox 3 Release Party 2008

24. June 2008
at Kiberpipa, Ljubljana - Slovenia

Firefox 3's release, the release of new version of most popular
opensource browser is knocking at the gates and to welcome it, we're
throwing a party. Kiberpipa and Information Science Students Association
are organizing a big one-day event and an even bigger party! Since
Slovenia is currently the head of the EU, we thought it would be a great
idea to have the event up to scale. And, we're not in it alone. With
help of Mozilla and other sponsors, we'll bring you something truly

The event will be on 24. June 2008 at Kiberpipa (6 Kersnikova Street,
Ljubljana - Slovenia). It starts at 11:00 with press conference. At
15:00 there will be some interesting talks to feed your knowledge
hunger, given by Mozilla staff and others.

The peak of the day will be, of course, the party starting at 21:00.
Finally the time to relax and mingle, accompanied by live DJ beats and
plenty of people to talk to. There will be plenty to drink and plenty to
eat. We'll provide you with many opportunities to network and meet new
people. Call it a revolution in the offline social networking! :) Need
we say more?

To follow our endevours and stay on top of all new developments, please
follow our rss feed: http://www.kiberpipa.org/firefox/feed

With support from Mozilla and sponsors, we'll make this a truly
memorable day! We invite you to join us and celebrate the launch of
Firefox 3, mingle, have fun and meet plenty of interesting people!

For more information, visit official event website:


11:00 - 13:00 Press conference
13:00 - 15:00 Lunch time
15:00 - 20:00 Talks. Keynote:Tristan Nitot, the president of Mozilla
20:00 - 21:00 One hour chill out time
21:00 The party


Please confirm your participation by:
- regitration on event's official
- or on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=32520446296

Press accreditation:
Journalists, photographers, TV crews and other media representatives
attending the event will be accredited by sending an e-mail to firefox
at kiberpipa.org. Please leave us the following information: name,
e-mail address, media house and editorship.


Kersnikova 6
1000 Ljubljana
pon-pet/Mon.-Fri.:  11.00 - 21.00
info at kiberpipa.org

Humppa all the way!!
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