[LUGOS] Štetje

Grega Fajdiga Gregor.Fajdiga at guest.arnes.si
Mon Apr 28 22:03:05 CEST 2008

Jernej Simončič pravi:
> On Monday, April 28, 2008, 16:39:37, Grega Fajdiga wrote:
>> Rad bi preštel prevedljive vrstice, saj moram njihovo
>> število vključiti med statistiko.
> Če prav vidim, se vse prevedljive vrstice začnejo z ID
> "besedilo" ali ID, "besedilo". Jaz bi to preštel s kratkim
> perl programom:
Za string table to drzi, za dialoge in menije pa ne.

Vidim, da mi je prelomilo besedilo, sedaj je datoteka z besedilom 
v priponki, upam, da ga ne bo spet prelomilo.

Pozabil sem omeniti tudi, da bi rad, ce je mogoce posebej stel 
vrstice v stringtablih, dialogih in menujih

V diplomski imam namrec tale seznam:

WINRAR.RC (includes resources of the main programme – see Figure 1)
•	69 dialog boxes with XX strings of text
•	1 string table with XX strings
•	2 menu resources including 6 and 4 menus respectively with XX 
•	1 version information block with 3 translatable strings

RAR.RC (includes of the command-line version of the tool called 
RAR – see Figure 2)
•	1 string table with XX strings

RAREXT.RC (includes resources for the Windows Explorer shell 
interface – see chapter 3.2.2.)
•	2 dialogs with XX strings
•	1 string table with XX strings

UNINST:RC (includes resources used during installation and 
•	3 dialogs with XX strings
•	1 string table with XX strings

Furthermore, there are resources for three SFX modules (used to 
generate self-extracting archives:

SFX. RC (this module is used in graphic – GUI- environments)
•	6 dialogs with XX strings
•	1 string table with XX strings

SFXCON.RC (a command-line version of the above module)
•	1 string table with XX strings

SFX.RC in the Install folder (a version of the original SFX 
module used during installation)
•	4 dialogs with XX strings
•	1 string table with XX strings

Total strings: XX

Sedaj pa ga moram zapolniti s stevilkami.

Dastoteki RAR.RC in WUNCON.RC imata malo drugacne stringtable, 
ampak na sreco nimata dialogov in menujev, zato bi jih moralo 
biti enostavno presteti:

   MYesNo,       "_Yes_No"
   MYesNoAll,    "_Yes_No_All"
   MRetryAbort,  "_Retry_Abort"

   MCopyright,"\nRAR %s   Copyright (c) 1993-%d Alexander Roshal 
   %d %s %d"
   MRegTo,    "\nRegistered to %s\n"
   MShare,    "\nShareware version         Type RAR -? for help\n"

   MUCopyright,"\nUNRAR %s freeware      Copyright (c) 1993-%d 
Alexander Roshal\n"

Vrstice je spet prelomilo, ampak nima veze, vsak identifier se 
zacne z M in konca z vejico. Pa seveda prazne stringe bi bilo 
treba izpustit.

Sej vem, da sem prevec zakompliciral. Najbrz bo treba napisat tri 
skripte, eno za dialoge, drugo za stringtable in tretjo za menije 


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