[LUGOS] [Fwd: ODF Alliance Newsletter 29 May 2007]

Robert Ludvik r at aufbix.org
Tue May 29 20:00:20 CEST 2007

C(e je Lugos že c(lan ODF Alliance, naj bo še obvešc(en o novostih ;-)

-------- Izvirno sporoc(ilo --------
Zadeva: ODF Alliance Newsletter 29 May 2007
Datum: Tue, 29 May 2007 09:30:14 -0700
Od: Marino Marcich <mmarcich na odfalliance.org>
Reply-to: mmarcich na odfalliance.org
Za: <r na aufbix.org>

29 May 2007

You can download a free PDF version of the newsletter: 
http://www.odfalliance.org/mail_list.php. Please feel free to forward 
to whom it may be of interest.

Norway Proposes Mandatory Government Use of ODF and PDF

Norway has joined the growing ranks of countries in Europe moving to 
ODF. The Cabinet-appointed Norwegian Standards Council has recommended 
that ODF be mandated for document exchange and downloads of editable 
documents, and PDF for publication of non-editable documents on the 
web. The recommendation, presented by Norway's Minister of Renewal 
Heidi Grande Røys (Socialist Party), also calls for the convergence of 
ODF and OOXML in order to avoid having two standards covering the same 
usage. The Council's recommendations will be the subject of a public 
hearing, with opinions to be provided before 20 August 2007. The 
Cabinet is then expected to make a binding decision.

GotzeBlogged - 

Poland Adopts Law Recommending Use of Open Standards

The Council of Ministers of the Government of Poland approved the 
National Computerization Program (NCP), which recommends the use of 
open, publicly available IT standards and calls for technological 
neutrality in all government led IT projects.  The program is 
scheduled to be implemented from 2007-2010.

KROS - Koalicja na Rzecz Otwartych Standardów - 

Croatia Moves To Adopt ODF, PDF For Use By Public Administrations

As part of its eCroatia 2007 program, Croatia announced an 
implementation deadline of September 2007 for its work on using ODF 
and PDF as a basis for electronic document exchange by public 
administrations.  The government also announced it would adopt ODF and 
PDF/A as Croatian national standards.

eCroatia 2007 Operational Plan (hr) - 

Japan Moves On Open Standards, ODF

Japan is expected to become the first Asian nation to declare a formal 
policy giving priority to technology based on open standards. The 
draft Japanese Interoperability Framework, which calls out ODF, is now 
available for public comment and is expected to go final later this 
year.  Japan's Open Standard Procurement Policy, which includes a 
preference for open standards, was issued in March and will take 
effect in July.

IT Pro (jp) - 

New Applications Support for ODF

1) The GravityZoo Company's OpenOffice.org porting project will bring 
OpenOffice.org to the Internet as a series of online applications that 
are always available, online, via a broad range of devices. The 
project will be presented at the OpenOffice.org Conference (OOoCon 
2007) in Barcelona on 19-21 September 2007.
2)Google Search now lets you search for ODF files online.
3) Thoughtslinger beta is a new ODF-supporting word processor that 
offers real time collaborative editing of office documents.

New Alliance Members

Membership has grown to 400 organizations from 51 countries.  Please 
welcome the following new members: ServiceSolution.com (USA); Systec 
IT (Australia); EFF-Austin (USA); Microskills (Portugal); C.T.I. 
TEGNIX, S.L. (Spain); ACS Technologie Teleinformatyczne Sp. z o. o. 
(Poland); ANSOL - Associação Nacional para o Software Livre 
(Portugal); IXT Sökmotoroptimering & webbdesign (Sweden); 2MI 
Tecnologia (Brazil); Abrigo Tecnologia (Brazil); ELTE IKKK Adaptive 
Software Center (Hungary); Rivendel Kft. (Hungary); Open SKM Agency 
Kft. (Hungary); BalaBit IT Security Ltd (Hungary); Microworks (South 
Africa); AICTC (Iran); Qualiom Sistemas Computacionais (Brazil).

ODF In the News

Sun and Redflag Chinese 2000 to Collaborate on OpenOffice.org Projects
Press Release, May 23, 2007

Google, Salesforce may make software history
InfoWorld, Posted by Ephraim Schwartz on May 21, 2007 11:09 AM

ODF/OOXML technical white paper
By Edward Macnaghten, Free Software Magazine; Online on: 2007-05-02

Open Source, Standards Get A Boost In China
posted by William New @ 12:42 pm, Intellectual Property Watch

The web and the word processor
Sean McGrath, ITworld.com 4/13/2007

So, Google Plans To Make Overheads of Its Push onto Microsoft's Turf
By: SEO/SEM News Desk; Apr. 21, 2007 02:45 PM

Arguing About Archiving
By Walt Hucks, Opportunity Knocks, April 24th, 2007

State by state, Microsoft responds to creeping threat
By John Letzing, MarketWatch, Last Update: 6:34 PM ET Apr 27, 2007

Google Search Converts OpenDocument Formats
By Nathan Weinberg, Blog News Channel

A New Dawn Rising For Open Documents?
By Jacqueline Emigh, Linux Planet, Friday, March 30, 2007 06:35:47 PM

State Open-Source Bills Get Microsoft's Attention
By JOHN LETZING, Wall Street Journal; May 2, 2007; Page B2F

Web-Based Apps: Why Store When You Can Surf?
By Don E. Descy, TechTrends, 05/06/07 4:00 AM PT

Crushed by the Wheels of Industry
By Jeremy Allison, Special to ZDNet, May 14, 2007, 5:33 AM PT

Microsoft delays Office converters for Mac
By Ina Fried, Staff Writer, CNET News.com, May 15, 2007, 11:00 AM PDT

Marino Marcich
ODF Alliance
1090 Vermont Avenue, NW  6th Floor
Washington, DC   20005
mmarcich na odfalliance.org


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