[LUGOS] Debian pri nas

Jernej Simončič jernej.listsonly at ena.si
Thu Jan 18 17:41:01 CET 2007

On Thursday, January 18, 2007, 16:23:14, Miha Tomšič wrote:

> Woody nas je zapustil brez slovesa.

Ni bilo ravno brez slovesa:

,----- [ Wed, 10 Jan 2007 ]
| Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 archived
| The old stable release Debian GNU/Linux (codename 'woody') has been
| archived.  The official source for this distribution is the dedicated
| archive host called archive.debian.org.  It is no longer available on
| regular Debian mirror servers.
| After four and a half years this marks the final end of life for
| GNU/Linux 3.0.  This distribution has been superseded by Debian
| GNU/Linux 3.1 (codename 'sarge') which the Debian project has released
| on June 6th, 2005.  Security support for woody has therefore ended
| already in June 2006, one year after the release of sarge.

< Jernej Simončič ><><><><>< http://deepthought.ena.si/ >

One child is not enough, but two are too many.
       -- Otoole's Axiom

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