[LUGOS] Brisanje

Gregor gregor.marinic at gmail.com
Sun Dec 2 10:13:32 CET 2007

Lep pozdrav

Sem poskusil z fsck.msdos  vendar mi na koncu napiše  "Too many files
need repair.".

Ne vem ali obstaja kaka možnost, da enostavno zbrišem direktorij? V njem
ni nič pomebnega.


/.Trash-admin1/System Volume
  Bad file name.
  Auto-renaming it.
  Renamed to 997\0000000.\000�
/.Trash-admin1/System Volume
\227~ Y.��\222
  Bad file name.
  Auto-renaming it.
  Renamed to 998\0000000.\000�\222
/.Trash-admin1/System Volume
  Bad file name.
  Auto-renaming it.
  Renamed to 999\0000000.\000��
/.Trash-admin1/System Volume
  Bad file name.
  Auto-renaming it.
Too many files need repair.

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