[LUGOS] Se ena o direktivi

Andraz Tori Andraz.tori1 at guest.arnes.si
Mon May 30 10:13:09 CEST 2005

Patentni urad velike britanije je po seriji javnih delavnic o
patentabilnosti softwara priznal, da je direktiva luknjasta in, da za
razliko od prejsnjih izjav, siri podrocje patentiranja .

(in to v drzavi, ki ze zdaj slovi kot model, ki je najbolj permisiven in
najblizje ameriškemu)



The conclusion from the 13 workshops, which were attended by over 300
people, were that the definition of technical contribution in the
directive is "ambiguous and too liberal", the UKPO said. 

Steve Probert, deputy director at UKPO, admitted that a better
definition may be found by modifying the current definition but said the
UKPO cannot change the UK's political policy on this. 

"If an opportunity arises to discuss amendments to the directive, it is
worth considering that there may be an advantage in changing the
definition of technical contribution," said Probert. 


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