[LUGOS] Robusten SQL streznik

Bojan Ramsak Bojan.Ramsak at rtvslo.si
Thu Jan 13 15:56:01 CET 2005

Anze wrote :

>Na nekem sibkem strojcku postavljam Linux, pa bi za nek (moj, custom-made) >programcek rabil SQL bazo. Sistem nima diska, ampak uporablja flash - cim
Če imaš flas, potem bi ti prav prišel *JFFS - Journaling Flash File System.* <http://developer.axis.com/software/jffs/doc/jffs.shtml>

Kar se tiče pa SQL, je morda zanimivo tudi SQLite.

 > SQLITE is a small C library that implements a self-contained, 
embeddable, zero-configuration SQL database engine.



RTV Slovenija, www.rtvslo.si

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