[LUGOS] Cudna stvar glede tr

Nejc Skoberne nejc at skoberne.net
Tue Dec 20 16:27:54 CET 2005

> Jaz bi po temle sklepal, da zadeva v /etc/hostname (ali od koder pac 
> hostname -s pobira vrednost) ni cisti (7 bit clean) ASCII, ampak je 
> nekaj drugega, najbrz kaksen
> UTF. Kar seveda pomeni, da potrebujes tr, ki bo znal delati s tem UTF-om.

Še malo glede tega: torej "man hostname":

      The hostname utility prints the name of the current host.  The super-user
      can set the hostname by supplying an argument; this is usually done in
      the network initialization script /etc/rc.network, normally run at boot
      time.  This script uses the hostname variable in /etc/rc.conf.

Glede rc.conf pa:

root at Svarun:~# file /etc/rc.conf
/etc/rc.conf: ASCII English text

kjer je spremenljivka hostname definirana takole:


Torej nobenega UTFja ni videti?

LP, Nejc

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