[LUGOS] lastnistvo smb-mountanih fajlov

Miha Radej miha.radej at siix.com
Tue Dec 20 11:01:05 CET 2005


man smbmount pravi tole

               sets the uid that will own all files on the mounted 
filesystem. It may be specified as either a username or a numeric uid.

               sets the gid that will own all files on the mounted 
filesystem. It may be specified as either a groupname or a numeric gid.

dodaj torej pri -o stikalu se ta dva parametra, ki ju nastavi po zelji.


igor kolar wrote:
> Hoj.
> S "smbmount <share> <mountpoint> -o guest,ro" sem pripojil en windows
> share v svoj sistem. Ce po njej dam ls -l, mi izpise:
> $ ls -l
> -rw-rw-r--  1 1042 155 479 2005-12-12 21:42 Preberi.txt
> drwxrwsr-x  1 1041 155   0 2005-12-12 12:34 Nekaj
> ...
> UID je 1042 ali 1041, GID je 155. Od kod so te cifre in kaj moram
> narediti, da bodo pripadale uporabnikom/grupam na mojem sistemu? Je to
> sploh mogoce?
> Hvala,
> -i

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