[LUGOS] Problemi z domeno

Rok r at rula.net
Mon Oct 4 13:31:41 CEST 2004

> From: Jernej Horvat [mailto:j+lugos at aufbix.org]
> ====
> MX prioriteta NE SME biti 0
> MX zapis NE SME kazati na CNAME
> localhost MORA biti vpisan in kazati na IP naslov
> ====
MX prioriteta je pmsm LAHKO 0

[quote http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc974.html]
Interpreting the List of MX RRs
   It is possible that the list of MXs in the response to the query will
   be empty.  This is a special case.  If the list is empty, mailers
   should treat it as if it contained one RR, an MX RR with a preference
   value of 0, and a host name of REMOTE.  (I.e., REMOTE is its only
   MX).  In addition, the mailer should do no further processing on the
   list, but should attempt to deliver the message to REMOTE.  The idea
   here is that if a domain fails to advertise any information about a
   particular name we will give it the benefit of the doubt and attempt

[moja interpretacija]
ako se po nekem zlu dogodi da MX zapisi ne obstajajo, potem mora mailer èuvat,
da privzame REMOTE (verjetno ime domene) kot privzeto vrednost, oz kot MX z
prednostjo 0. iz tega sledi, da se lahko vrednost 0 uporabi tudi v primeru, ce
le-to vpisemo rocno.
[/moja interpretacija]

zal pa nikjer drugje v celem rfcju nisem zasledil, kaksne vrednosti lahko
zavzema preferenca, poleg tega, da gre za, mislim da, 16-bitno vrednost.
lp, jst.

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