[LUGOS] Siol in mail

Primož Gabrijelčič primoz at gabrijelcic.org
Tue Nov 9 09:01:55 CET 2004

> Vem, da je bilo to vprašanje že tisočkrat na listi ampak bom 
> še enkrat poskusil!
> Zakaj se to dogaja ali je siolov mail strežnik vedno busy?

Siol, pač. 'nuff said :(

> The e-mail system was unable to deliver the message, but did 
> not report a specific reason.  Check the address and try 
> again.  If it still fails, contact your system administrator.
> < mail.icetelecom.si #4.0.0 X-Postfix; conversation with 
> mail.siol.net[]    timed out while sending message body>

Jaz sem si malo naštimal timeoute za njih:
main.cf:siol_destination_concurrency_limit = 2
main.cf:siol_connect_timeout = 180s
main.cf:siol_helo_timeout = 240s
master.cf:siol    unix  -       -       n       -       -       smtp

Potem pa občasno (kadar se pri njih vse ustavi) preklopim promet za siol.net
na MX ki sicer skrbi za siol.net:

transport:siol.net siol:mail.siol.net

Potem pa spet nazaj, ko se zabaše mail.siol.net...


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