[LUGOS] Irski predlog sprejet

Jure Cuhalev gandalf at owca.info
Tue May 18 18:35:17 CEST 2004

V tor, 18.05.2004 ob 18:23 je Gregor.Pirnaver at email.si napisal(a):
> http://kwiki.ffii.org/?Cons040518En
> In kaj zdaj?
> lp

It is now the task of Europe's Parliament and citizens to delegitimate
the Council by passing national resolutions that run against the stance
of the Council. As yesterday's maneuver on airplane passenger data also
demonstrated, the Council and Commission are a dangerous tool of
oligarchy in Europe. Europe's citizens now need to form a large
coalition with elected legislators against oligarchy in Europe. Making
European citizens recgonise the importants of the European Parliament
and its role is one of the top priority during the upcoming election
campaign weeks.

Pomojem je pametno pocakat do vecera in da se vidi tocno kaj je bilo na
podlagi njihovega PR-a.


Jure Cuhalev
gandalf at owca.info

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