[LUGOS] asus a7n8x zmrzuje

Borut Mrak b at aufbix.org
Fri Jul 23 09:24:52 CEST 2004

On Thursday 22 of July 2004 23:36, Uroš Zajc wrote:
> Tudi meni je zmrzovala, pomagal mi je kernel 2.6.7 in zadnji driver za
> nvidia grafiko -6106

Problem, ki se pojavlja, nima zveze z grafiko. Fixani kerneli pri bootanju 
izpisejo tole:

PCI: nForce2 C1 Halt Disconnect fixup

Tole pa je v sourcu:
 * Fixup for C1 Halt Disconnect problem on nForce2 systems.
 * From information provided by "Allen Martin" <AMartin at nvidia.com>:
 * A hang is caused when the CPU generates a very fast CONNECT/HALT cycle
 * sequence.  Workaround is to set the SYSTEM_IDLE_TIMEOUT to 80 ns.
 * This allows the state-machine and timer to return to a proper state within
 * 80 ns of the CONNECT and probe appearing together.  Since the CPU will not
 * issue another HALT within 80 ns of the initial HALT, the failure condition
 * is avoided.

Obstaja sicer se en razlog za zmrovanje na nforce2 platah, vendar se mi zdi, 
da ni tako pogost (nekaj v zvezi z ACPI-jem).

Zakaj ravno mene?

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