upgrade problem debian woody to sarge

Aljoša Španger alo at email.si
Sat Jan 17 14:00:57 CET 2004

za nadgragevanje uporabljam spodnji nac(in.


Empty the existing |sources.list| file:

     # cd /etc/apt
     # cp -f sources.list sources.old 
     # :>sources.list

Get a clean list of repositories, for stable:

     # cd /
     # apt-setup noprobe 
         ... select repositories, accessed with HTTP or FTP methods

Add the testing section to this new list. The deb-src lines are 
commented out.

     # cd /etc/apt
     # grep -e "^deb " sources.list  >sources.deb
     # grep -e "^deb-" sources.list  >sources.src
     # sed -e "s/stable/testing/"  sources.deb \
     # sed -e "s/stable/testing/" sources.src | \
          sed -e "s/^deb-/#deb-/"  >>sources.list
     # apt-get update

po vpisu zadnje vrstice mi javi problem 

Dynamic MMap ran out of room
Error occured while processing yaz(NewVersion1)
Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.arnes.si_packages_debian_dists_testing_main_binary-i386_Packages
The package list or status file could not be parsed or opened

Ima mogoec kdo kaksno idejo.



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