[LUGOS] Kernel

Matjaz Horvat matjaz at owca.info
Tue Feb 24 15:39:02 CET 2004


Dalibor Cvijetinovic pravi:
> Rad bi postavil adsl-router na kernelu 2.6.4. Na pc imam 2.2.20 in seveda moram namestiti nov kernel. Pri prevajanju me sprašuje preveč vprašanj in ne vem točno katere moram inštalirati. Prvi problem sem imel pri dveh karticah. Mislim, da se je bootanje ustavilo zaradi istega IRQ različnih kartic?:=) Mi lahko kdo pomaga kaj pri tem?
> LP
> Dalibor
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *****
> NOTE: An attachment named winmail.dat was deleted from this message because it contained a windows executableor other potentially dangerous file type.
> Contact the system administrator for more information.

My operat~1 system unders~1 long filena~1 , does yours?

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