[LUGOS] Procmail problem

Bostjan Muller neonatus at neonatus.net
Tue Feb 17 12:33:10 CET 2004

* On 17-02-04 at 11:49 Marko (marko at bass.si) wrote:
+----Here quoted text begins----+
> Hvala ti.
> Imaš mogoče kakšen pameten URL za procmail nastavitve oz sintakso?
> Lp
> Marko
[deleted text from previous mails] 
+----and here the quote ends----+

Zal ne prav dosti man procmail in man procmailex imata kar nekaj
informacij, drugace pa google.

Regards/Lep pozdrav

Boštjan Müller
[*] Bostjan Müller |n at neonatus.net| http://neonatus.net/~neonatus [*]
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