[LUGOS] preverjanje imap/pop3 za viruse

Petar Hitij hipe at sdf-eu.org
Fri Apr 16 09:36:15 CEST 2004

©e enega, dokaj sve¾ega sem sluèajno na¹el: "p3scan".


    Description: transparent POP3-proxy with virus- and spam-scanning
     p3scan uses iptables port re-direction to intercept outgoing POP3
     connections. It provides different types of email scanning and is ideal
     for helping to protect your "Other OS" LAN from harm, especially when
     used in conjunction with a firewall and other Internet Proxy servers.
     It is designed to enable scanning of incoming email messages for
     virus's, worms, trojans, spam, and harmfull attachments. Because viewing
     HTML mail can enable a spammer to validate an email address (via Web
     bugs), it can also provide HTML stripping.

lp, Petar 

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