prostor na disku

gorank at gorank at
Wed Apr 14 12:07:34 CEST 2004

Na FreeBSDju gre to tako, na Linuxu pa mislim, da je enako (fs_minfree).

The fs_minfree element gives the minimum acceptable percentage of file
system blocks that may be free. If the freelist drops below this level
only the super-user may continue to allocate blocks. The fs_minfree
ment may be set to 0 if no reserve of free blocks is deemed necessary,
however severe performance degradations will be observed if the file
tem is run at greater than 90% full; thus the default value of
is 10%.

A je potem normalno, da root-u vrne, da ni več protostora?

A bi se moralo kaj pokazat, ko sprostim tistih 10% (oz. 5% Metod)?
(Predvidevam da to velikost vidim v 'tune2fs' pod 'Reserved block count' - v mojem primeru 5% 'block count'.)

Po malem čiščenju je 'free blocks' 158875 in 'df' pravi, da je 109M prostih.
(torej je odgovor na moje prvo vprašanje:'df' tudi root-u vrne koliko je prostora za navadne smrtnike).

hvala in lp, goran

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