[LUGOS] PPPoe - 2 hkratni povezavi

Nejc Skoberne nejc.skoberne at guest.arnes.si
Fri Apr 9 18:47:42 CEST 2004


> Ali je možno s pomočjo pppoe klienta vzpostaviti istočasno 2 povezavi (ppp0
> in ppp1) ?
> Zanimivi je namreč, da ni nikjer navedeno kako to narediti. V primeru, da se
> povezava ustvari pod X se conf datoteke nekako zapišejo, vendar se nikdar ne
> vzpostavita 2 povezavi.

Na strani
spodaj pise tole:

"You can define multiple PPPoE connections, but you should not use more than
one simultaneuously unless you feel comfortable editing scripts and setting
up routing tables. By default, TkPPPoE tries to add a default route for
connections. This does not work well with multiple simultaneous

Na strani http://public.planetmirror.com/pub/rp-pppoe/ pod "Relay
Agent" pise tole:

"New! The PPPoE suite now includes a PPPoE relay agent. Read the pppoe-relay
manual page. The relay agent lets you run multiple PPPoE sessions from
multiple machines behind a relay.
The client, server and relay agent are user-mode programs and do not require
any kernel modifications. They are fully compliant with RFC 2516, the official
PPPoE specification."

Ne vem vse kar sem naredil je da sem vtipkal "rp-pppoe multiple
connections" v Google. :) Saj lahko da ni nic uporabnega... lahko pa

Nejc Skoberne
E-mail: nejc.skoberne at guest.arnes.si

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