[LUGOS] SATA kontroler

Bostjan Strumbelj bostjan.strumbelj at siol.net
Wed Oct 22 21:08:00 CEST 2003


odgovarjam sam sebi ... Link na source za Promise FastTrack 378.
Za VIA pa ...  se nimam srece :)

In se snip teksta s strani http://lwn.net/Articles/40899/

Some folk I've done some consulting work for bought a zillion
Promise SATA cards.  They were able to convince Promise to
release their SATA driver, which was formerly available only as
a binary only kernel module, under the terms of the GPL.

So <drum-roll, trumpets> here it is: the Promise SATA driver for
the PDC20318, PDC20375, PDC20378, and PDC20618.  This driver is
released as-is.  It is useful for the

        Promise SATA150 TX4
        Promise SATA150 TX2plus
        Promise SATA 378
        Promise Ultra 618


-----Original Message-----
From: Bostjan Strumbelj [mailto:bostjan.strumbelj at siol.net]
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 2:00 PM
To: lugos-list at lugos.si
Subject: [LUGOS] SATA kontroler


Kolega si je omislil Microstar KT6 Delta (VIA KT600) plosco in Maxtor 120Gb
SATA disk. Vse skupaj je dostavil do mene in zeli, da mu instaliram eno od
distribucij Linuxa. Zaplete se pri kontrolerju. Plosca ima 2, integriran v
VT8237 in dodatni Promise FastTrack 378.

Sodec po tem zapisu (trenutno) se nista podprta:

Ali ima kdo drugacne informacije, po moznosti pa celo namig, kako pripraviti
do delovanja?


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