[LUGOS] ulimit oziroma PAM in slackware

Iztok Saje iztok.saje at mobitel.si
Fri Oct 10 16:11:44 CEST 2003

saj vem... blab-bla itd...

Slack NI moderna distribucija. Nic drugega ni, kot SW, ki ga nalozis na novi PC,
zato da dela tisto, zakar si ga kupil.

Brez komisij, komerciale ipd.

o PAM pravi Patric:

n/openssh-3.7.1p2-i486-1.tgz:  Upgraded to openssh-3.7.1p2.
   This fixes security problems with PAM authentication.  It also includes
   several code cleanups from Solar Designer.  Slackware does not use PAM and is
   not vulnerable to any of the fixed problems.
   Please indulge me for this brief aside (as requests for PAM are on the rise):
     If you see a security problem reported which depends on PAM, you can be
     glad you run Slackware.  I think a better name for PAM might be SCAM, for
     Swiss Cheese Authentication Modules, and have never felt that the small
     amount of convenience it provides is worth the great loss of system
     security.  We miss out on half a dozen security problems a year by not
     using PAM, but you can always install it yourself if you feel that
     you're missing out on the fun.  (No, don't do that)
   OK, I'm done ranting here. :-)



BlaY0 wrote:
> y0W!
> Slackware na zalost ni PAM-aware distro (vsaj tiste verzije niso bile ki
> sem jih jaz poslusil). Nekoc se spomnim da sem to reseval v /etc/profile
> in sicer z if stavkom if [ "$(id -u)" != 0 ]; then.... Lahko potem zadevo
> razsiris na grupe etc. Mislim, da bi moralo delovati.
> lp,B
> On Fri, 10 Oct 2003, Gregor Malensek wrote:
>>>editiraj /etc/pam.d/login, /etc/pam.d/su in ostale datoteke ki jih
>>>rabis, znotraj njih odkomentiraj vrstico:
>>># session    required   pam_limits.so
>>>Potem editiraj /etc/security/limits.conf in nastavi ustrezne
>>>Ta postopek preverjeno deluje.
>>Tole mi je vsec, samo pri meni ni niti sledu o datoteki /etc/pam.d/login.
>>Najbrz zato, ker nimam instaliranega PAM-a. Zato samo vprasanje : ali si
>>mogoce imel kaksne probleme pri instalaciji.

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