Dual boot

Jernej Simončič jernej.simoncic at guest.arnes.si
Fri Nov 28 09:51:58 CET 2003

On Friday, November 28, 2003, 0:49:55, igor wrote:

> te datoteke sploh ni na mojem racunalniku (free windowsi za sole).  Kako bi si jo naredil?
> Mi lahko posljes svojo, ce mislis, da bi se jo dalo kar skopirati in malo popraviti ?

Datoteka je sigurno tam, vendar je skrita.
BTW, navodila, kako doseči, da se Linux pojavi v NT-jevem boot loaderju
najdeš tule:

Jernej Simoncic, jernej.simoncic at guest.arnes.si

1. If anything is used to it's full potential, it will break.
2. Anything labeled "new" and/or "improved" isn't.
3. If an item is advertised as "under $50.00," you can bet it's not $19.95.
       -- Parker's Prophesies

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