[LUGOS] [Fwd: Plugin Java]

Gorazd Brumen gorazd.brumen at fmf.uni-lj.si
Sun Nov 2 19:49:33 CET 2003


Mogoce se nisi prebral tega: (stran 
http://plugindoc.mozdev.org/faqs/java.html )
Torej mislim, da je plugin za nove verzije Mozille razlicen
od tistih za stare. (zadnji odstavek je posebej pomemben)

Nekaj pa bi tud jaz vprasal, glede te mozille 1.5 - meni se vsake
tolk casa zataknejo X windowsi (proces X obremeni skoraj 100% procesor) 
in moram it na drug racunalnik, pa jih sesut, pa se enkrat zagnat,
nakar pa ratajo konzole skoraj neberljive. A ma kdo kakrsnekoli
podobne izkusnje?



On Linux, Mozilla requires JRE 1.4.2 or later.

Mozilla 1.4 and later, and Mozilla Firebird, are compiled with gcc 
3.2.3. A gcc 3.x compatible version of the Java plugin must be used. JRE 
1.4.2 contains a compatible plugin.

If you installed the JRE 1.4.2_01 RPM, this plugin is 
/usr/java/j2re1.4.2_01/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/libjavaplugin_oji.so - 
and to install it for Mozilla (including Mozilla Firebird), do the 

     * Open a terminal
     * Change to your Mozilla (or Mozilla Firebird) plugins directory
     * Issue the following command: ln -s 

If you are using an older Linux distribution, you may need to install 
the gcc3 support libraries, as the gcc 3.2 version of the Java plugin 
requires libgcc_s.so.1 to operate. You may be able to find packages 
using Google.

If you are using an old or unofficial build of Mozilla (1.4a or later) 
or Mozilla Firebird, you can check which compiler was used by entering 
about:buildconfig in the location bar and pressing enter. You will see a 
line such as "gcc version 3.3 20030226 (prerelease) (SuSE Linux)", which 
will show the compiler that was used. If gcc2.9x was used, you need to 
use the ns610 plugin, not the ns610-gcc32 plugin.

Tadej Poberaj wrote:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject:
> Plugin Java
> From:
> Tadej Poberaj <tadej.poberaj at email.si>
> Date:
> 02 Nov 2003 18:45:58 +0100
> To:
> lugos-list <lugos-list at lugos.si>
> Živjo!
> Ima ĹĄe kdo probleme s priklapljanjem jave na mozillo 1,5? Javo sem
> prikluÄ?il po navodilih v helpu, vendar stvar na mozilli 1,5 ne dela, ko
> pa poĹženem mozillo 1,1 v istem profilu (brez spreminjanja) pa zadeva
> dela brez problemov. V Ä?em bi bil problem?
> Hvala!
> lp, tadej

Mail 1: brumen at isb.unizh.ch
Mail 2: gorazd.brumen at fmf.uni-lj.si
Homepage: valjhun.fmf.uni-lj.si/~brumen

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