
Robert Ludvik robert.ludvik at zd-lj.si
Tue May 20 15:27:35 CEST 2003

na http://openoffice.lugos.si/down/ je nova verzija orodja za 
manipulacijo stringov v OOo sourcu... readme.txt

Robert Ludvik


Date 20.05.2003
   Matja"z Godec has done some improvements on oo2po:

- because localize is doing some kind of escaping, I removed
   all escaping from scripts. Because of this, in Kbabel you
   must switch off "Smart tags" Under Settings/Kbabel/Edit
- there's a new script oo2poI.pl (see readme.txt for details)
- directory name will always be oo2po in all future versions,
   because it's included in some scripts and I can't assure that
   I'll allways correct all instances of it.
- emptyline.sh is just a Bash scripts, which removes empty lines
   from PO files
- added double_trans.pl (see script itself for details)

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