[LUGOS] SSL in Apache 2.0.44

Jure Krasovic jure.krasovic at rcc-irc.si
Mon Mar 31 07:44:43 CEST 2003


vsaj pri meni:

postavis VirtualHost nekako takole:

DocumentRoot "/var/www/domena.com/htmls"
ServerName www.domena.com
ServerAdmin webmaster at domena.com

Pri tistih pikicah je noter vse kar rabis za SSL. Certifikati ...
Poglej kaj ne napisano v default konfiguraciji za virtual host _default_
in spremeni po potrebi.

Tudi v vseh ostalih virtual hostih moras imeti napisano na katerih portih



-----Original Message-----
From: Gregor Ibic [mailto:gregor.ibic at intelicom.si]
Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2003 3:41 PM
To: lugos-list at lugos.si
Subject: RE: [LUGOS] SSL in Apache 2.0.44

virtual hosts ne dela za SSL !!!

Intelicom d.o.o.
Security software company
email: info at intelicom.si
tel.: ++386 5 6309 158
fax.: ++386 5 6279 355

-----Original Message-----
From: Kostko [mailto:kostko at jweb-network.net]
Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2003 3:35 PM
To: lugos-list at lugos.si
Subject: Re: [LUGOS] SSL in Apache 2.0.44

no, nastavil sem potrebne podatke, vendar mi apache javlja:

> [Sun Mar 30 15:33:28 2003] [error] VirtualHost _default_:443 -- mixing *
>  and non-* ports with a NameVirtualHost address is not supported,
>  with undefined results

uporabljam name based virtual hoste in za enega od njih hočem omogočiti

LP, Kostko.

On Sun, 2003-03-30 at 13:29, Branko F. Gracnar wrote:
> v conf imeniku imas ssl.conf
> Vse, kar rabis za osnovno funkcionalnost, je to, da spremenis port .crt
> .key datoteke.
> Certifikat zgeneriras sam, lahko si ogledas navodila na:
> http://www.modssl.org/docs/2.8/ssl_faq.html#ToC27
> in pozenes httpd z "-DSSL" switchem.
> lp, Brane
Kostko <kostko at jweb-network.net>
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