[LUGOS] apache 1.3 problem s sumniki

Iztok Stotl iztok.stotl at guest.arnes.si
Mon Dec 22 12:09:12 CET 2003

Jaz mislim da IE tu ni kriv ....

Na Linuxu se stran tudi ne izpisuje pravilno v Firebirdu ...

Encoding strani Firebird spozna kot 8859-1 , stran je pa zapisana v

Poskusi ta problem resiti tako da spremenis direktivo na off vtk
/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf :

AddDefaultCharset off

AddDefaultCharset directive
Syntax: AddDefaultCharset On|Off|charset
Context: all
Status: core
Default: AddDefaultCharset Off
Compatibility: AddDefaultCharset is only available in Apache 1.3.12 and

This directive specifies the name of the character set that will be
added to any response that does not have any parameter on the content
type in the HTTP headers. This will override any character set specified
in the body of the document via a META tag. A setting of
AddDefaultCharset Off disables this functionality. AddDefaultCharset On
enables Apache's internal default charset of iso-8859-1 as required by
the directive. You can also specify an alternate charset to be used.

For example:

        AddDefaultCharset utf-8
Note: This will not have any effect on the Content-Type and character
set for default Apache-generated status pages (such as '404 Not Found'
or '301 Moved Permanently') because those have an actual character set
(that in which the hard-coded page content is written) and don't need to
have a default applied.

On Mon, 2003-12-22 at 11:11, Dalibor Cvijetinovic wrote:
> Because of M$ sucks!!!
> Na=C5=A1timaj Encoding v IE na Central European (ISO).
> LP
> Dalibor
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Aljo=C5=A1a =C5=A0panger [mailto:alo at email.si]=20
> Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 10:57 AM
> To: lugos-list at lugos.si
> Subject: [LUGOS] apache 1.3 problem s sumniki
> Zivijo,
> mogoce ni ravno najbolj primerno vprasanje za to listo vendar bom vseeno=
> poskusil.
> Zanima me zakaj stran, ki je napisana v HTML (z flash dodatki) servirana=
> na knoppix 3.3 masini (apache 1.3) ne izpisuje prav sumnikov na WIN masin=
> Ce to stran pogledam na server masini se sumniki lepo izpisejo, medtem=20
> ko pa na WIN XP masini sumnikov ne prikaze.
> Ce je mogoce pomembno je naslov strani
> Ce ima kdo kaksno idejo bi je bil zelo vesel.
> LP
> Al

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