Gregor Gorjanc gregor at mrcina.bfro.uni-lj.si
Thu Dec 11 08:59:49 CET 2003

Zadnjic sem spraseval glede podobnega servisa, kot je RHN, za Fedoro.
Tole sem prebral na 


Will Fedora be hosted on Red Hat Network?

There are no plans to host Fedora on Red Hat Network.

However, the Red Hat Network Up2Date client tool is included in Fedora. 
Up2Date has been optimized to work with Fedora and is now not only capable of 
pointing to update repositories on Red Hat FTP sites, but can be set up to 
point to other third-party repositories as well. This gives the user more 
functionality and update control.

The Up2Date applet is also available in Fedora. It allows users to be notified 
when updates are available from their defined repositories.

For users who want to learn more about using up2date, Red Hat recommends the 
command line interface commands "man up2date" or "up2date _help".
Lep pozdrav,
           Gregor GORJANC

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