
Matej Brecelj mbrecelj at fgg.uni-lj.si
Wed Dec 10 09:37:53 CET 2003

Priklopil sem en nov prineter (HP cp1700) na mašino na kateri teče Slackware 9.1, prebrskal kar nekaj neta, inštaliral driver od HP-ja (sledil navodilom in je bile vse bp), pognal cupsd, probal natisniti testno stran, pa je ven priletelo le napisano na listu tole:

**** Unable to open initial device, quitting.

V logu sem dobil sledeče:

D [10/Dec/2003:09:40:27 +0100] [Job 16] renderer PID pid4=2664
D [10/Dec/2003:09:40:27 +0100] [Job 16] renderer command: gs -q -dBATCH -dPARANOIDSAFER -dQUIET -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=ijs -sIjsServer=hpijs -sDeviceManufacturer="HEWLETT-PACKARD" -sDeviceModel="cp1700" -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=595 -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=842 -dDuplex=false -r300 -sIjsParams=Quality:Quality=0,Quality:ColorMode=2,Quality:MediaType=0,Quality:PenSet=2,PS:MediaPosition=7 -dIjsUseOutputFD -sOutputFile=- -
D [10/Dec/2003:09:40:30 +0100] [Job 16] unable to set device=cp1700, err=16
D [10/Dec/2003:09:40:30 +0100] [Job 16] renderer return value: 1
D [10/Dec/2003:09:40:30 +0100] [Job 16] renderer received signal: 1
D [10/Dec/2003:09:40:30 +0100] [Job 16] Process dieing with "Possible error on renderer command line or PostScript error. Check options.", exit stat: 3
D [10/Dec/2003:09:40:30 +0100] [Job 16] Possible error on renderer command line or PostScript error. Check options.
D [10/Dec/2003:09:40:30 +0100] [Job 16] Flushing FIFO.
E [10/Dec/2003:09:40:30 +0100] PID 2661 stopped with status 3!
D [10/Dec/2003:09:40:30 +0100] [Job 16] Command line/JCL options changed, restarting renderer
D [10/Dec/2003:09:40:30 +0100] [Job 16] 
D [10/Dec/2003:09:40:30 +0100] [Job 16] Closing renderer
D [10/Dec/2003:09:40:30 +0100] [Job 16] KID3 exited with status 3
D [10/Dec/2003:09:40:30 +0100] [Job 16] Renderer exit stat: 3
D [10/Dec/2003:09:40:30 +0100] [Job 16] Renderer process finished
D [10/Dec/2003:09:40:30 +0100] [Job 16] Process dieing with "Error closing renderer", exit stat: 3
D [10/Dec/2003:09:40:30 +0100] [Job 16] Error closing renderer
D [10/Dec/2003:09:40:30 +0100] [Job 16] unable to read client data err=-2 

Kje in kaj naj iščem???

LP Matej
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