[Fwd: [qa-dev] Announcement: OpenOffice.org Site Upgrade and Downtime]

Robert Ludvik robert.ludvik at zd-lj.si
Fri Dec 5 09:53:08 CET 2003

Čez vikend bo spletna stran OOo zelo okrnjena. V ponedeljek pride 
nazaj v novi preobleki. Med novostmi je tudi forum, da se bo le 

Lep pozdrav
Robert Ludvik

Announcement: Site Upgrade and Downtime
OpenOffice.org will be upgrading its site this weekend and will be 
for the duration. We regret any inconvenience but think you will be 
surprised by the new OpenOffice.org when it is unveiled early next week.

During the downtime, you will still be able to download the application,
OpenOffice.org 1.1. We will have a page here linking to the download 
However, mail lists, CVS, IssueZilla, and all other project 
will be unavailable.

We will go offline Friday 2003-12-05 and return Monday 2003-12-07.

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