[LUGOS] Fedora , dns in Lame strežniki

Dusan Kozic dusan at sah-drustvo-ms.si
Tue Dec 2 22:01:38 CET 2003

Na 1070394812, 2003-12-02 ob 20:53, je jest at softraja.com napisal(a):
> Živjo!
> Verjetno miljon krat predelana tema. Meni se v zadnjem času dogaja, da
> dobivam v log datotekah nekaj takega kot:
> Dec  2 12:16:01 tower named[4398]: lame server resolving 'xxxx.com' (in
> 'xxx.com'?): 212.93.228.xx#53
> Dec  2 12:30:21 tower named[4398]: lame server resolving 'sms-xxxx.net'
> (in 'sms-xxx.NET'?): 193.77.103.xxx#53
> Dec  2 13:07:33 tower named[4398]: lame server resolving 'xxx.com' (in
> 'xxx.com'?): 212.93.228.xx#53
> Dec  2 14:28:09 tower named[4398]: lame server resolving 'www.slo-xxx.com'
> (in 'slo-xxx.com'?): 193.77.206.xx#53
> Mogoče kak pameten nasvet, oz. kaj ??
> SW:
> Fedora
> bind bind-9.2.2.P3-9
> dns je pa v /var/named/chroot/var/named
> hvala lepa in lp

To je npr. z http://www.flux.org/pipermail/talk/2003-May/004335.html

A 'lame server' is a DNS server that is supposed to be 'authoritative'
a domain, but is not configured that way.

The authoritative servers for flux.org are:
% whois flux.org at whois.publicinterestregistry.net | grep 'Name Server'

(Which means that these are the servers that queries about flux.org are sent
to from the .org server)

When a DNS server asks NS*.conterra.com for the IP address of flux.org
it is responding, but it is also claiming that it is 'non-authoritative'.
Hence, any DNS server resolving flux.org ends up with all these
warnings about the 'lame server' at the specified address.

Those excerpts are from my daily logwatch report that parses my system logs.
I've seen 112 of those warnings errors April 23rd, so evidently that was
when the change was made.

Lep pozdrav,
Dusan Kozic
dusan at sah-drustvo-ms.si

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