[LUGOS] gpg bruteforce
Bostjan Muller
neonatus at neonatus.net
Thu Oct 31 12:09:50 CET 2002
* On 31-10-02 at 12:02 Primoz Hrvatin (primozh at gmx.net) wrote:
+----Here quoted text begins----+
> Zivjo!
> Pozabil sem passphrase, s katerim sem zaklenil nek fajl (kdo bi si mislil?!), zdejle pa hocem napisat skripto, kateri bi podal niz passwordov, ker namrec okvirno vem, kaksen password je.
> Probal sm takole:
> gpg fajl << EOF
> pass1
> pass2
> Zadeva ne deluje. Se vedno hoce imet passphrase vpisan na roke.
> Any thoughts?
> Primoz
+----and here the quote ends----+
Poskusi z expect-om
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
spawn gpg [lindex $argv 0]
expect "Enter pass phrase:" {
sleep 0.5; send "tvojegeslo\n" ;
expect {
"Passphrase is good" { set returnval 0 ;
exp_continue }
tole od exp_continue dalje si pac naredi loop in nova gesla pac vpisuje
vec o expect v man expect.
Regards/Lep pozdrav
Boštjan Müller
[*] Bostjan Müller |n at neonatus.net| http://neonatus.net/~neonatus [*]
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