[LUGOS] Bash si sladak II

Miha Tomsic miha.tomsic at guest.arnes.si
Wed Oct 9 15:26:10 CEST 2002


On sre, 2002-10-09 at 13:59, Roman Maurer wrote:
> To *niso* regularni izrazi.  Moralo bi delati, ko napi¹e¹:
> 	$ shopt -u nocaseglob
> 	$ ls 2[b-d]*
> Ampak pri meni (GNU bash, version 2.05a.0(1)-release iz RH 7.3), ¹e vedno ne
> deluje.

Me veseli, da se mi še ni zmešalo. :) Problem je v uporabi mehanizma
locale. Našel sem tole:

On Tue, Sep 03, 2002 at 05:30:45PM -0600, Jason E. Stewart wrote:
> I seemed to have found a bug in bash's globbing behavior.
> Can someone explain to me how the file functions-sql.xml can possibly
> be included in the ls command below? 

[ command pattern was [E-G]*.xml, output included a file starting with
'f' ] 

Is it possible that you have your locale (or one of the related
environment variables) set to something other than C?  I don't get
similar behavior by default from bash on my computer, but if I set 
LC_COLLATE=en_US.utf8 I do. 

What's happening there is that the sort order for [] ranges is changed
so that instead of being EFG ... efg, it's eEfFgG, and f is the the
range between E and G.  If this is  undesired behavior, you may want to

Jon Leonard

LC_COLLATE sem si nastavl na C pa je rezultat še vedno isti. Očitno tile
dve nastavitvi ne zadoščata:

Če pa LC_ALL nastavim na C pa deluje, ampak tega si pravzaprav ne želim.

Zdaj vsaj vem, v katero smer morma raziskovati...



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