[LUGOS] kitajscina

Ales Kosir ales.kosir at zaslon.com
Mon Nov 18 08:34:48 CET 2002


yact is the system of displaying and inputing Chinese running under the terminal mode. The most different point from chdrv is that yact uses your computers' displaying card through svgalib library. Without the information of your video card contained in the svgalib, you may not probably make yact work on your Linux.

The most admirable point for yact is that the fonts are scanned with 24x24 on the monitor and are more beautiful than other terminal Chinese input system. And it is more smooth than the others in dealing with scrolling pages. The newest version of yact is yact-p4 now.

You can get yact here below,


The ways to setup yact are simple, too. After getting the sources of yact, decompress it and examine whether the Makefile file is correct or not, then type make all install directly on shell prompt to complete the installation of bits files. Read the README file for more detailed information.

Next is the step of fonts' setup. yact uses the HBF fonts, but you can't find the fonts in the packages of yact, which means you need to take extra actions to make it available. Having ETen Chinese System mounted is an original recommendation from the founder for its fonts. Copy the HBF fonts' description file et24.hbf under the fonts directory of sources of yact to the directory /usr/local/lib/yact and rename it as hzfont.hbf. Then copy STDFONT.24, SPCFSUPP.24, SPCFONT.24 and ASCFONT.24 fonts files to the directory /usr/local/lib/yact and rename ASCFONT.24 as 12x24. 

The free HBF fonts are available, too. Change names of these 256 ASCII fonts as 12x24 and names of the HBF fonts' description file as hzfont.hbf. Put both of description files and fonts files into /usr/local/lib/yact, then everything will be ok.

Lep pozdrav,

-----Original Message-----
From: Jani Osojnik [mailto:janez.osojnik at guest.arnes.si]
Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2002 1:55 PM
To: lugos-list at lugos.si
Subject: [LUGOS] kitajscina

kako se instalira najnovejsi yact za podporo kitajscine v linuxu?

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