Iptables in logiranje v konzolo

Matej Zerovnik - LeVaK levak at planetq.org
Sat Jun 29 20:17:16 CEST 2002

Danes sem si naložil firewall, ki mi določene povezave logira. Syslog sem 
nastimal tako, da mi logira v /var/log/firewall. Do tukaj vse OK. Moti me pa 
to, da poleg tega da mi logira v file, mi logira tudi na konzolo(samo 
lokalno, tisto ki je trenutno izbrana). Kako to izklopim? Uporabljam 

options { long_hostnames(off); sync(0); };
source src { unix-dgram("/dev/log"); internal(); file("/proc/kmsg" 
log_prefix("kernel: ")); };

destination syslog      { file("/var/log/syslog" owner("root") group("adm") 
perm(0640)); };
destination mail        { file("/var/log/mail" owner("root") group("adm") 
perm(0640)); };
destination isdn        { file("/var/log/isdn" owner("root") group("adm") 
perm(0640)); };
destination call        { file("/var/log/call" owner("root") group("adm") 
perm(0640)); };
destination firewall    { file("/var/log/firewall" owner("root") group("adm") 
perm(0640)); };
destination console     { usertty("root"); };
destination console_all { file("/dev/tty12"); };
destination console_mail { file("/dev/tty11"); };

filter f_syslog         { not match("IN="); };
filter f_mail           { facility(mail); };
filter f_isdn           { facility(local2); };
filter f_call           { facility(kern) and match("isdn_tty:"); };
filter f_firewall       { facility(kern) and match("IN="); };
filter f_emergency      { level(emerg); };
filter f_console_all    { not match("in.qpopper") and not match("IN=") and not 
facility(auth, authpriv, cron, mail); };
filter f_console_mail   { facility(mail) and not match("in.qpopper"); };

log { source(src); filter(f_syslog); destination(syslog); };
log { source(src); filter(f_mail); destination(mail); };
log { source(src); filter(f_isdn); destination(isdn); };
log { source(src); filter(f_call); destination(call); };
log { source(src); filter(f_firewall); destination(firewall); };
log { source(src); filter(f_emergency); destination(console); };
log { source(src); filter(f_console_all); destination(console_all); };
log { source(src); filter(f_console_mail); destination(console_mail); };

Hvala za pomoč.


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