Fw: slovenian dictionary

Matej Spiller Matej.Spiller at siol.net
Mon Dec 23 08:06:05 CET 2002

Enkrat davno nazaj, ko je andraz naredil cd z prostim programjem za
windowse, sem kontaktiral avtorja OO Dictionary Installerja, ki se mi je
koncno javil, da bo dodal vse nove crkovalnike (ne samo slovenske).

lp, Matej

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lee Corbin" <leecorbin at openoffice.org>
To: "Matej Spiller" <Matej.Spiller at siol.net>
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 1:07 AM
Subject: Re: slovenian dictionary

Hi Matej

Many thanks for your message regarding the dictionary list for the
OpenOffice.org Dictionary Installer.

Sadly, I haven't had a lot of time to work on the installer lately,
and wasn't aware that the list of dictionaries has grown so much!

I hope to find some time soon to work on the installer, and will make
sure that I bring the dictionary list up to date.

Thank you again for letting me know.

Best wishes


Lee Corbin
leecorbin at openoffice.org

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