[LUGOS] Linux program za extractanje .bin in .iso datotek

Martin martin at amadej.si
Tue Dec 10 14:20:58 CET 2002

Notr so ponavad filmi, ne?
Z vcdgear lahko dobis ven mpeg-e,.. sicer pa moj mplayer lahko kr te bin 
datoteke lepo predvaja.
U bistvu niti cue datoteke z zapisi trackov ne rabis, da ven dobis material.
bash-2.05b$ ./vcdgear16

VCDGear v1.6e build 111301 coded by Dracore (vcdgear at hotmail.com)
Usage  :  VCDGear [options] [@file.lst] inputfile outputfile

Options:  -cue2raw       -cif2mpg       -mpg2raw
          -cue2dat       -mpg2mpg       -mpg2bin
          -cue2mpg       -nrg2mpg       -cif2bin
          -raw2dat       -mpg2dat       -nrg2bin
          -raw2mpg       -dat2mpg       -sfd2mpg

          @file.lst      (optional) contains list of MPEGs to process
          /v:"vol name"  a 32-char volume label for cd image output

          -track##       extract only track ## from a multitrack image
          -r####         force read of ####-byte sectors
          -w####         force write of ####-byte sectors
          -nobumper      removes CD-i MPEG sequence bumper
          -fix           fix broken MPEG blocks during .mpg output
          -noinit        don't add initial sequence during fix
          -nosplit       don't split MPEG files based on timecode
          -passive       process a file but don't write output
          -toast         generate Toast compatible MPEG files

Dne ponedeljek 9. december 2002 18:11 je Kostko napisal(a):
> Torej, imam neko .bin datoteko in bi jo rad extractal brez da bi jo
> zapekel na cd. Našel pa nisem nobenega programa, ki bi bil primeren za
> to delo. Kakšna ideja ?
> LP, Kostko.

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