Jernej Simonèiè
jernej.simoncic at guest.arnes.si
Mon Apr 29 18:35:24 CEST 2002
Hello Himba,
Your message contained HTML or DOC attachment and was therefore
rejected. If the message contains important information, please send
it again, in plain text.
If you need to send HTML or DOC attachments, please compress them with
RAR, or ZIP. If you do not know, how to compress files, please send
the message to my alternate address: jernej at isg.si .
This is an automatically generated message.
Vae sporoèilo je vsebovalo pripono vrste HTML ali DOC, in je bilo
zaradi tega zavrnjeno. Èe je sporoèilo pomembno, ga prosim poljite
kot neoblikovano besedilo.
Èe je pomembna pripona vrste HTML ali DOC, jo prosim stisnite s
programom RAR ali ZIP. V primeru da tega ne znate, poljite sporoèilo
na naslov: jernej at isg.si .
To sporoèilo je bilo avtomatièno generirano.
Jernej Simoncic, jernej.simoncic at guest.arnes.si
ICQ: 26266467
The odds are 6:5 that if one has late classes, one's roommate will
have the earliest possible classes.
-- Robert's Law of Space Sharing
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