qmail, dns

Ljubo Brglez kreit at siol.net
Sun Oct 14 14:27:28 CEST 2001


Skonfiguriral sem qmail. Local-local in local-remote testa iz TEST.deliver
delujeta. Iz TEST.receive pa ne deluje prav dobro. Ce posljem mail
iz npr. hotmaila na svoj server, mail prispe. Ce pa ga posljem iz siol.net
na svoj server pa ne. Nazaj dobim spodnjo sporocilo.


This Message was undeliverable due to the following reason:

Your message was not delivered because the Domain Name System
(DNS) for the destination computer is not configured correctly.
The following is a list of reasons why this error message could
have been generated.

     - The host does not have any mail exchanger (MX) or
       address (A) records in the DNS.

     - The host has valid MX records, but none of the mail
       exchangers listed have valid A records.

     - There was a transient error with the DNS that caused
       one of the above to appear to be true.

You may want to try sending your message again to see if the
problem was only temporary.


P.S.: v /var/named/pz/zonefajl imam

IN   MX    10  mail.mydomain.si

What now?

Ljubo Brglez

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